Distances / Divisions
Date: Sunday May 24th
There are 1/2, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 mile options. Wet suits are permitted but keep in mind the lake temperatures at the end of May will be between 62-68 degrees but can vary. There will be separate divisions for each category, male/female and wet suit/non wet suit. There are no awards but we will have results posted on line so you can check out your times.
Start Time / Waves / Awards / Cost:
Start Times: (registration opens at 6:30 am)
- The race will begin at 7:30 AM. . You can warm up from 6:45-7:15. There will be a mandatory pre race meeting at 7:15 a.m. We have to be off the premises by 10:15
- 3 WAVES*(wet suit and non wet suit same waves)
- 2.5 male and females at 7:30 (Provide your own Swim Caps)
- o 2.0 and 1.5 male and female at 7:33 (Provide your own Swim Caps)
- o ½ mile and 1 mile male and female at 7:36 (Provide your own Swim Caps )
- *If you havent started your last lap by 9 a.m. we will pull you from the course.
- 2.5 mile (5 loops)
- Swim around start buoys complete lap 4 times. On your 5th lap exit.
- 2.0 mile (4 loops)
- Swim around start buoys complete lap 3 times. On your 4th lap exit
- 1.5 mile (3 loops)
- Swim around start buoys complete lap 2 times. On your 3th lap exit
- 1.0 mile (2 loops)
- Swim around start buoys 1 time. On your 2nd lap exit
- ½ mile (1 loop)
- One loop
- 3 WAVES*(wet suit and non wet suit same waves)
- The event will be chip timed
- We will only be using the 1/2 mile course for this race. It is early season, the water will be cold and a number of you will not have been in the open water. Using the 1/2 mile course gives us better safety coverage.
- Swimmers will complete multiple loops to make up the distance. This will be on a honor system (you are only cheating yourself) . IF YOU COMPLETE FEWER LAPS THAN YOU SIGNED UP FOR PLEASE LET THE TIMER KNOW WHEN YOU CROSS THE FINISH LINE.
- There are no Prizes or Awards for this swim. Results will be separated as stated below. We will post results on site
Age Groups / Divisions / Costs:
**Males and Females are not separated for results.
- Under 21 Wet Suit and Non Wet Suit
- Ages 22-35 Wet Suit and Non Wet Suit
- 35+ Wet Suit and Non Wet Suit
- Only $30 until the 16th of May when the price goes up to $40.
- Registration ends on 5/22 at 5 pm.
- Race day registration is $50. (Cash or Check only)
RESULTS can be found HERE post race
- Race Day Registration will be permitted from 6:00-6:45 am at a cost of $50 (Cash or Check only)
- Pick up your chip on race morning
- The locker rooms will be open pre and post race but you must exit the premises by 10:00 am
- There will be safety kayaks and one patrol boat on the lake during the race.
- No Dogs are allowed on the grounds!! Please leave your dogs at home.
- If you cut your race strap or lose your chip I get charged. If I get charged, I’m charging you. Please secure your chip and do not cut your race strap.
- NO REFUNDS for any reason
- THE LAKE IS LOCATED AT 7255 Grant Ranch Blvd, Lakewood, Co 80123
There is room for about 100 cars in the parking lot. PLEASE car pool. If you park in the adjacent neighborhood RESPECT the community (Holiday weekend and the neighbors are probably going to be asleep when you arrive). If you have spectators, please have them car pool with you or park at the grade school located 1/2 mile south on Grant Ranch Blvd.